Now that I live here, I still enjoy targeting cudas because of their aggressive style of attacking and fighting. Today was no exception - but it was exceptional.
Using a topwater plug I caught (and released) a couple of fairly large fish. When a smaller cuda took the bait, he quickly went from hunter to victim. As I reeled him in, a larger one attacked and by the time I could reel it in all that was left on my hook was his head, with the lure still in his
About 5 minutes later, my line started flying out. I waited a few seconds, then set the hook. A monster cuda about 4' long had taken the head, and I had him hooked. Since I was using only 10 pound test and light tackle, the big cuda had the advantage. No matter, he was mine. A few minutes and several powerful runs and jumps later, I pulled him ashore.
Inside his mouth you can see the head of the smaller cuda, along with the well-traveled spook.
I love fishing.
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